Anvitech Healthcare IT solution is a web-based hospital management software solution, built on open source technologies.
Our HIMS solutions range from simple billing systems to complex ERP solutions, where the entire hospital is paperless.
Our online hospital management solution is simply one that is web based. This allows a user sitting at any computer to access the HIMS software using a user ID and password – very similar to using your email.
General Modules
- Patient Registration
- Help Desk / Enquiry Management
- Appointment & Scheduling
- OPD Billing Management
- Casualty & Emergency Management
- Laboratory Management (NABL Compliance)
- Radiology Management
- Doctor Fee Management
- In-Patient (IPD) / Admission Management
- Nursing Module / Clinical Management
- Service Order Processing
- Dietary Management
- Ward Management / Bed Transfer
- Discharge Management / Discharge Summary
- MIS (Management Information System) Module
Additional Modules
- Operation Theater / O.T. Scheduling
- Material Management (Store & Inventory)
- Cathlab Reporting
- HR & Payroll Management
- Pharmacy Management
- Tally Integration
- Duty Roster Management
- Medi-claim / TPA Management (Cashless Billing)
- ERP Integration (SAP / Oracle)
- Machine Interfacing
- Blood Bank Management
- Ambulance Services Management
- Quality Control / Support Services
- House Keeping
- Infection control (Quality / Support Services)
- Bio-Medical / Equipment Mentenance
- Cafeteria / F & B
The term “Healthcare IT” is defines as the electronic systems health care professionals and increasingly, patients use to store, share, and analyse health information. Health IT includes Electronic health records (EHRs), Personal health records (PHRs), Electronic prescribing (E-prescribing) and Privacy and security.
Health care IT is a part of IT (information technology) which involves the design, development, creation, use and maintenance of information systems for the healthcare industry. These systems are Automated and interoperable healthcare information systems and will continue to improve medical care and public health, lower costs, increase efficiency, reduce errors and improve patient satisfaction, while also optimizing reimbursement for ambulatory and inpatient healthcare providers.
In todays world the importance of health IT results by combining the evolving technology and changing government policies that influence the quality of patient care. But now that the Modern health IT received a boost when President George W. Bush introduced the scheme of incentives for hospitals to adopt electronic health record (EHR) systems, and that this practise has continued with Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, showing that health IT enjoys general autonomous support.
For a long time, the basics of patient care was revolving around a generally accepted series of medical steps which consist of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. But in today’s time healthcare is using a new ally to improve how patients feel by considering much more than their present condition. Health information technology, or health IT for short, is now widely used by doctors, pharmacists and other providers to identify both short-term and long-term improvements to patient care.
Health Care IT, which encompasses an impressive display of medical information which are specific to individual patients, encourages direct communication between providers to assess all facets of a patient’s life, like their diet, their exercise to genetic predisposition, in order for them to better evaluate and advise.
The future of health is likely to be driven by digital transformation enabled by radically interoperable data and open, secure platforms. Health is probably going to revolving around sustaining well-being instead of responding to illness.
At Anvitech, With the help of our health data platform, we can make computed data available to physicians and therefore deliver true actionable insights to drive quality enhancements in all healthcare processes and pathways.
We intend to help leading our client companies work on the full spectrum of strategy, operations, organization and mergers and acquisitions. With the help of our expert cross-sector team we tend to bring diverse and deep experience and a collaborative spirit to every engagement. We work alongside with our client teams at every level of the organization to develop practical solutions that can deliver repeatable and sustainable results. Our healthcare practice helps us to support our clients in both developed and emerging markets.